1955 warrant for Carolyn Bryant (Emmett Till’s killer) found. Where is the outrage?

“A Black boy died because of a white supremacist woman’s lie, so she needs to get hard time. I know if a Black person murdered someone back then and was still alive, they’d lock them up no questions asked.”

Ospreyshire's Realm

I know I’m still on hiatus, but this story has me enraged so much that I have to talk about it. I’m sure my audience knows about Emmett Till, right? The Black boy from Chicago who was alleged to have whistled to a white woman in Mississippi and was killed and his death kickstarted the Civil Rights Movement? Afterward, Carolyn Bryant (nee Dunham) ADMITTED SHE WAS LYING and is still alive to this day. Well, guess what? They found a warrant from 1955 for Carolyn’s arrest in a Mississippi court basement. What gross incompetence! They were protecting her this whole time even if some of the people who were alive back then are dead due to their age now. It’s not like she did anything where it could still potentially be of use.

Oh, wait. I’m no legal expert, but I know murder has NO statute of limitations! I’m sorry…

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Author: Bill Ziegler

I am a former resident of Delhi Township. These are memories of my life and times in that community during the 1950s and 1960s. A time capsule.

3 thoughts on “1955 warrant for Carolyn Bryant (Emmett Till’s killer) found. Where is the outrage?”

  1. Thank you SO much for re-blogging this Bill, the more who do so means that it has a chance to be seen and does not just get overlooked, forgotten and consigned to a void. Since there is a warrant, she needs to be arrested ASAP! How is she above the law? There is NO statute of limitations on murder and when she lied on Emmett Till, she knew what would happen.

    Liked by 2 people

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