Don’t Tread on These


White persons become conditioned from birth to death to believe that they are the de facto gold standard for “great”ness, something is inherited from the innate genius of a certain Western Civilization. The unthinkable: not having whites to rule the roost. Skin pigmentation matters because forefathers are never presented as persons of color. Destiny, manifestly blessed by God for those with less melanin, is something inherited from Adam and Eve: the first and significant players on this planet. White persons remain forever blessed and deemed proper by the god that they created. Quite on the other hand, existing while black has always been subservient to the cultures deemed proper in the history of humankind.  



Wealth is enormously maldistributed. Mr. Branson is only the first of the celebrity billionaires to romp about at the edge of space, more gaiety is scheduled by the same priviliged nice people who “earned” capital. Stay tuned to your media outlet for the next billionaires to romp about and above, Capitalism continues to stick its invisible finger into the pots planetwide. Capital makes all the decisions and it does all the thinking. Climate disruptions will continue to occur as if ordained by a faithful white God, whatever the political economy. One-hundred-and-seven degree days in the Pacific Northwest are the hot new trend. At some point, the human body will not be able to sweat away the small stuff. Skin pores will be unable to process relative humidity. At about 140 degrees, the science states that the bodies of those individuals must drown in their own perspiration in places like India and Pakistan. Anhidrosis is the inability to sweat. If you are unable to move to a more forgiving climate — or able to find perspiration relief via air conditioning — you become headlines and trend setters. I do not intend to echo bad news for the thrill of it, it is the simple result of political economies that do not plan for exigencies. Being the bear of bad news is like a muffled scream to point out that reality does not care, it will occur in proportion to the degree to which reality is ignored by citizens and their respective governments, for those who have no mouth but must scream.

Yet, the most privileged of them all are quick to find fault with the fellow human beings who somehow pose threats to the natural law of white supremacy. Even an academic term used to describe the systemic failure of whites to admit any responsibility for the exploitation of others is viewed as a slam on the gentle workings of worldwide capitalism. They explain the term “critical race theory” as an assault on common decency, an attempt to enslave whites under Marxism, a threat to the police who maintain law and order, a snipe at judges who are “tough on crime.” The events of 6 January are dismissed as attempts to deny tourists access to their home: the Capitol complex. History is supposed to deem the participants as patriots. Anyone politically to the left of Donald Trump is a threat to religious liberty and family values.

Vaccination against a virus that threatens 99% of antivaxxers is labelled as the imposition of tyranny. The only citizens actually endangered are the antivaxxers themselves. Don’t tread on them.

Thanks for reading.

Who were the Anglo-Saxons?

From the inimitable Ellen Hawley, who publishes many wonderful things that you’ve unlikely encountered elsewhere. An excerpt:

“I can’t leave you without talking about the map of Ikea stores in Oosthuizen’s book. (It’s reproduced in the review. The link’s above.) She argues that future archeologists could mark a map with all the Ikea stores that are close to rivers leading to the North Sea, and from that theorize that Sweden colonized Britain in the late twentieth century.

They could back up the theory by pointing to the amount of Ikea furniture in people’s homes and decide that the 100,000 Swedes who lived in London in 2018 had moved there to work for Ikea.”

Notes from the U.K.

Until recently, if you asked who the Anglo-Saxons were the answer would’ve been that they were people from two northern European tribes who invaded England during the fifth and sixth centuries and then put down roots and stayed. They pushed the Britons (mostly Celts who’d been Romanized) to the corners of the island and formed a shifting set of small kingdoms in the island’s middle. 

The kingdomlets eventually became one full-size kingdom, which was in turn overthrown by the Norman invasion in 1066. 

Sic transit gloria mundi, which is Latin from Do whatever you like, in the end it all goes wrong anyway. It’s a run-on sentence, but you can blame the ancient Romans.

The Jutes and the complications

To complicate the picture (I can never resist a complication), you can also tell the traditional story so that there were three tribes, the Angles and the Saxons plus…

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Cads and Scoundrels

Recently, some fellow friends of Palestine invited a Palestinian woman to a Major League baseball game, a sport that draws fans of all ages. The expression “as American as…” includes a proclivity to demonstrative force. The National Anthem represents just another way to blow a few things up, the celebration of explosions works to favor the celebration of ignorance as well. The American calendar is replete with noisy holidays. This goes on as I type: the fireworks offered domestically and planet wide. They are gathering at a baseball stadium to observe F-16s breaking silence. The Star-Spangled Banner recalls a hell on Earth in the form of War Birds bringing random death to innocents around the Planet. The Palestinian woman at the Ballpark was not forewarned of the intervention of peace in the sky above. She sought a hiding place where she could hide and scream. 

PTSD is everyday life in Palestine, every day. We fund it and keep the insanity at a pandemic level. American bombs rip bodies into flaming pieces of nameless collateral victims of Pax Americana. The discipline of the Spartan members of our military state drops the “bombs bursting in air” to the children of Yemen. The object is to blow up bodies for the furtherance of fear and loathing in a military theater populated by drones. The inaptly named Department of Defense commands a disproportionate share of scientific progress. Drones were first used to drop death from a continent and an ocean away: job one. Using drones to drop Amazon orders had to wait, but capitalism is never far behind. The US Empire sells bright, gleaming works of art that get the job done with a sufficient body count to justify a war theater for our geopolitical friends in Israel and within the family of Saud. Explosions make customers happy. For each bomb exploded, a replacement order is cut. Munitions keep the merchants of death wealthy.

Killing children in the name of Pax Americana

Freedom fighters who drop hell from a blue sky, making the world safe for the hegemonic. A blue sky is chosen because it makes the tracking of innocents more visible. The joystick may be in an F16 or some such death dispersal device. Or that joystick may be located in a bunker somewhere in a red State. It is dark underground, where a soldier sits with headphones and observes the details revealed by the Sun. It also makes it possible to read the fear on the faces assigned to death. I understand that the cameras available on a drone are capable of allowing the death dealer to look into the eyes of the target marked for death. PTSD is the most commonly reported response for the brain of the joystick holder. Freedom is not free — it requires the expenditure of many black and brown bodies.

Of course, these bunkers are also located at trusted sites. The largest of these bunkers is by Israeli Occupation Forces located at militarily important geopolitical sites. They are also brought to the field where an “enemy” gets obliterated by projectiles. Mobile units are strategically located near the apartheid wall. Teams of death dealers decide on the specific methods for delivering humiliation. One popular decision is to aim at a single knee of a young freedom fighter on the inconvenient side of a loathingly enforced apartheid barrier. Maim the young such that they live miserable existences and “stand” as examples for the Israeli Occupation Forces.

I have friends who had invited a Palestinian to a baseball game. As usual, sports and F-16s dropped through the sky to add some thrill to a Star-Spangled Banner that speaks of a hell that gets the expected results for our patriotic War Birds, the gentlemen who bring random death to the most innocent among us.

That Palestinian woman at the Ballpark sought a hiding place where she could hide and scream. It is what happens when your entire life is peppered with expendable bombs to waste expendable human units. American bombs rip bodies into flaming portions of nameless collateral value the world over. These are in absurdly disproportionate war theaters such as Yemen. There, they patriotically blow up bodies to serve as targets in a game called fear and loathing. The US Empire sells these bright, gleaming phallic to get the job done with zero possible retaliation. Black and brown bodies are cheap if you are a freedom fighter who drops hell from a blue sky, making the world safe for capitalist hegemons. A blue sky is chosen because it makes the tracking of innocents: the targets. The joystick may be in an F16 or some other death delivering device. A joystick may be located in a bunker somewhere in a red State. It may be dark outside the hole in which a soldier sits with headphones and observes the details revealed by the Sun that illuminates targets and improves the kill count. It makes it possible to read the fear on the faces that have been dealt a death card. I understand that the cameras available on a drone are capable of allowing the death dealer to look into the eyes of the target marked for death. PTSD is the most commonly reported response for the joystick holder. Of course, these bunkers are also located at trusted purchaser sites. The largest of these bunkers is populated by Israeli Occupation Forces located at geopolitically secure sites. They are brought to the field where an enemy gets assigned a highly probably projectile made in the USA. The mobile units are positioned near an apartheid fence/wall/barrier. Teams of death dealers may decide upon different methods of humiliation dealt to the Palestinians for 73 years and counting. One popular option is to aim at a single knee of a young freedom fighter at an apartheid barrier. Maim them young so that they live unfortunate existences. So far, this has not reduced the number of individuals marked for maiming. The US allocates $3.8 to keep the death-dance cadence. In Israel alone.

Thanks for reading.