R&R Hero

MARC BOLAN is the Paul-McCartney-who-died genuine item; he actually *did* die: upon crashing a rare automobile into a tree — a tree that became a de-facto monument to his sudden death.

BANG A GONG is a distilled drop, as enduring as the entire Beatle’s oeuvre. This is what I have read and now understand as truth and beauty.

Car Crash

The volumes on BaG available on You-Tube testify (a word derived from testicle: Romans did not swear on the Bible, they held their right hand over their nether jewels).

The Tragic Death of Marc Bolan

David Bowie & Marc Bolan

T. Rex Guitarist Marc Bolan Dies in Car Accident

Thanks for reading.

Reflections on my Life



With Whom

Level 42

In 1977

David Gates

Making a Choice

Eric Carmen

With Whom

Marty Balin

Driving the Car

Bob Seger
Listening to Linda Scott on the Radio

Remembering 1973
Setting the Mood with the Stylistics
Taking a Jaunt on Ventura Highway
Scorched Earth with a Heart Breaker
Stopping at Los Angeles

Sleeping In.

Thanks for Viewing.

Family Values, a Poem

An accurate account, Terry.

Shukran jazeelan. (a thank you)&(a smile)


Many thanks!


"A family is a risky venture, because the greater the love, the greater the loss... That's the trade-off. But I'll take it all." — Brad Pitt
FAMILY VALUES Nephew flinches as Uncle drops a fork onto a china plate. It responds with a quick high-pitched cry. Uncle grumbles, There’s dried dog food on these tines. The waiter steps away from an adjoining table where a young woman feeds a girl in a wheelchair. No excuse for this, Uncle says. The waiter offers to get him fresh silverware. Nephew sends the waiter a silent eye-rolling apology. He cuts his salad into small bites, his focus on beans and rice while Uncle speaks about how the nation has lost family values, allowing abortion clinics, gay marriage, welfare for fools. Uncle slices filet mignon and complains about the quality of his chardonnay. Uncle leaves a two-dollar tip. Nephew drops a twenty on top…

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