Cause of Climate Change

The arrival of a climate change that was predicted to appear around 2050 has shown up several decades early, filling continent-sized areas in Europe, Asia, and North America. The water cycle is another critical system in the climatological tapestry.


Of the 265,000 square miles of the Columbia River drainage (size of France) none of its tributaries flow free to the ocean, trapping all particulate matter as well as co2, methane, and sediments behind its dams, effectively halting the natural processes the earth performs to maintain equilibrium.

This process is reduced over 70%

The Columbia is only one system. Over 70% of the worlds rivers no longer flow free, to irrigate crops and produce hydroelectric power. The natural ecocycles of planet earth are effectively ruined.

And it appears now that hydroelectric power has a greater impact on the worlds carbon cycle than fuel powered generators. (1)

Irrigation traps the particulate matter in a never ending cycle, re-spreading it on the land over and over what should be washed out to sea and cycled.

There are 70,000 large dams worldwide and another 3700 planned. These are huge carbon sinks, whose…

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White Supremacism, Genocide, and Slavery

White Supremacists fancy themselves gifts of their god.

They embrace a narrowly interpreted vengeful deity who traffics in racist hate.

They self-identify as the model for an Aryan ideal/idolized/incarnate.

They admire Third Reich political thought.

They craft lies to justify dodgy principles.

They employ the language of lynchers.

They find impetus and reward in the “wisdom” of Donald J. Trump.

White supremacists have been responsible for more than half, 54 percent, of all domestic extremist-related murders in the past 10 years. In the last year, that figure has risen to 78 percent of all extremist-related murders. That is, White supremacists were responsible for more than three-quarters of all domestic extremist murders in 2018.

Hate Crimes and the Rise of White Nationalism

But racism is hardly confined to Proud Boys and Confederate “traditions.” Systemic white supremacism began long before 1619, couched in a British imperialist tyranny upon which the sun never set. Their robbing and plundering reached far beyond the triangular logistics of North Atlantic trade. Know this as divinely inspired colonialism, insipid to the marrow.

US Sanitized National Memory: soundbites of programmed propagandized faux history. Our (white) genocide of tribes began with European greed throughout the Western Hemisphere. Trillions of words reflect the glory of Western Civilization and Judeo-Christian Heritage — successors of a Roman and Greek slavery-enabled citizenry with strains of political expediency. Yet, its dark shadow also runs long.

US legend-history speaks of slaves obtaining 3/5ths of a white wholesome whole human, but the actual intent is far more insidious. The US Constitution, empowered in 1787, identified blacks as 3/5ths of a white token, but the actual scheme gave slavers the voting right of each slave such that a slave-holder who held 100 Black-Africans commanded 160 units of geopolitical power.

The Except Clause

Over the past four decades, the right-wing campaign against Roe v. Wade has been the most violent protest movement in modern American history. Despite recent complaints by conservatives about acts of violence associated with the George Floyd protests in 2020, no other recent social protest movement comes close to anti-abortion activists’ long record of violence.

The Army of God

These are the stark realities that demonstrate just how much was stolen via institutional slavery, a thieving scheme that occurs under different names, each the exploitation of stolen Black Africans that began 403 years ago. African Blacks emigrating to the US have ancestral connections, ADOS (Ameri can Descendants of Slavery) do not because they were acquired as instruments in the production of high value commodities: sugar cane, cocoa, tobacco, and cotton.

Slavery propelled the US from an agrarian to an industrial economy. How many trillions of stolen dollars does this represent? No ADOS is a billionaire. How many ADOS does it take to make a billionaire? How many homeless people are needed to create multiple billionaires?

The sheer number of blacks shot by police get calibrated in databases to reveal every detail and circumstance, but the five words “I feared for my life” will guard you from incarceration, it keeps the planet’s largest prison-industrial complex functioning. And not a one is identified as a terrorist. The exceptional gun fetish in this country has become our deadly obsession.

But maybe I am being too negative. Why not simply believe that we live in a post-racial society? Upon an even and open playing field. Celebrating the soundbites we all learned.

Thanks for reading.

1955 warrant for Carolyn Bryant (Emmett Till’s killer) found. Where is the outrage?

“A Black boy died because of a white supremacist woman’s lie, so she needs to get hard time. I know if a Black person murdered someone back then and was still alive, they’d lock them up no questions asked.”

Ospreyshire's Realm

I know I’m still on hiatus, but this story has me enraged so much that I have to talk about it. I’m sure my audience knows about Emmett Till, right? The Black boy from Chicago who was alleged to have whistled to a white woman in Mississippi and was killed and his death kickstarted the Civil Rights Movement? Afterward, Carolyn Bryant (nee Dunham) ADMITTED SHE WAS LYING and is still alive to this day. Well, guess what? They found a warrant from 1955 for Carolyn’s arrest in a Mississippi court basement. What gross incompetence! They were protecting her this whole time even if some of the people who were alive back then are dead due to their age now. It’s not like she did anything where it could still potentially be of use.

Oh, wait. I’m no legal expert, but I know murder has NO statute of limitations! I’m sorry…

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