The Carnivore in the Room

Veganism is a way of being that threatens the biosphere the least while threatening the destroyers of the biosphere the most.

The largest contributors to climate collapse are fossil-fuels, the consumption of sentient-animal body parts, consumption of sentient-animal byproducts, and their related purchases in the marketplace — including the fuel exhausted to get you there or the fuel exhausted to bring those purchases to you.

My suggestion to replace the familiar cacophony of beeps at the checkout lane with bleats, oinks, moos, clucks … no bites so far. Kroger headquarters are in a town just north of us, perhaps they could set up a trial to test my modest proposal.

Part of a serenity prayer : changing the things you can — do not consume the flesh, non-human breast milk, or the eggs of a sentient being and you cast one vote for preventing catastrophic climate change. It’s not just a concern expressed for creatures living near a coastline. See Humpty Dumpty for more on this principle.

I’ve been a climate watcher since the 1960s and have had the privilege of teaching climate vagaries back then. Nixon approved creating of the EPA in a political swap, he was never anything wiser than a consummate politician. Our current POTUS is a climate-change denier, doncha know.

When you encounter an article on climate change, search for the word “vegan.” It usually does not even get mentioned.

Thanks for Reading.

Kowtow or Perish

Consider this:

  • Genocide
  • Concentration Camps
  • Apartheid
  • Ethnic Cleansing
  • Torture
  • Murder
  • Execution
  • Crime Against Humanity

Or don’t.

What happens when you do nothing?

You self-lobotomize.

Propaganda soothes and comforts. It reassures as it numbs. Sweet lethe.

Two of the most-effective military juggernauts in the history of the world have been intimately close allies for the last 71 years — the same number of years that I’ve been alive. Within three years of the fall of Fascist Europe, the United States had already established a solid geopolitical footprint in the Middle East. Kowtow or perish, risk your livelihood, your family and their future. Safer to do nothing. Ethnic cleansing proceeds more rapidly without an opposition, thank you very much.

The deal of the century: leave the premises and we will cut you a check. All you have to do is leave. This is a limited offer

Roger Waters wakes you up from a dream state

I have a suggestion: Do not buy Sabra-brand hummus.

What? What? So, Bill, you admit to being an anti semite, a Holocaust denier, a Nazi apologist, a racist, a hate-filled troll, willfully ignorant, heartless, an enemy of the state, a useful idiot, a tool of Sharia Law, a mindless voice for jihadists, a friend to suicide bombers, a supporter of Hamas hegemonists, a Hezbollah helper, a brainwashed leftist, a reality denier, a criminal. And worse.

The United States of America ethnically cleansed itself of indigenous populations, decimated indigenous fauna and flora, massacred all the ancient tribes in their way, signed treaties worth their weight in non-negotiable twenty-dollar bills, supplanted every single independent nation with supremely White nice people. They killed or enslaved the otherwise-hued. But getting the job done properly required dark-skinned human resources from the “savage” tribes of Africa.


Another suggestion: boycott products manufactured in the United States of America. Prevent past and present war criminals from raping and pillaging the future.

Racism and Islamophobia are mission statements.

A Bloomberg Opinion: “It’s more important than ever to understand that restraint and dialogue will not bring Iran to heel.”

Who the hell should tell Iran to *heel*. Trump's unilateral (and enormously misinformed) decision to break the 2015 nuclear deal is some Strangelove shit. How many smuggly patriotic citizens even know about the severe sanctions imposed upon Iran for decades now? Trump also unilaterally re-imposed sanctions on Cuba, imposes sanctions on Venezuela. Suck up or die. Succumb. Resistance is futile. 

False-flag operations have a proven record for effectiveness. Colin Powell held up that vial at the United Nations out of a sense of misdirected loyalty and a vow to duty. All the millions who protested the insanity of a war with Iraq did not slow down the Strangelove characters by a single minute.

What the hell is wrong with telling Israel to *heel*?

Thanks for reading.

Solastalgia In The Late Anthropo Scene

By the mid 70s, I had harbored a belief that frenetic societal norms were approaching a tipping point. Unfortunately, I did not turn that gnawing Angst into a Greta Thunberg moment. Since that time, generational thieves continue to place the young closest to the brink. The wealthiest of the most privileged draw up CYA plans, such as keeping a pilot on call and insuring that the bunkers stay well stocked and well armed.

Solastalgia: a form of mental or existential distress caused by environmental change.

An item from today’s (28 May 2019) New York Times:

In the next few months, the White House will complete the rollback of the most significant federal effort to curb greenhouse-gas emissions, initiated during the Obama administration. It will expand its efforts to impose Mr. Trump’s hard-line views on other nations, building on his retreat from the Paris accord and his recent refusal to sign a communiqué to protect the rapidly melting Arctic region unless it was stripped of any references to climate change.

Trump Administration Hardens Its Attack on Climate Science

Everyday ecologies slip away every day and every where. My particular “where” is in a fly-over State, the point where Ohio and Kentucky meet Indiana.

What I saw a generation ago, that I do not (or very seldom) see now:

  • fire flies,
  • grubs,
  • moles,
  • mole hills,
  • ants crawling up a tree,
  • skunks,
  • inch worms,
  • bag worms,
  • bees,
  • native flora,
  • native-blossoming trees,
  • diverse wild birds,
  • earthworms in puddles,
  • butterflies,
  • moths,
  • groundhog colonies,
  • snakes,
  • water bugs,
  • locusts,
  • praying mantises

Cicadas flew by the billions here in 2004. Will they hatch in 2021?

Plastic molecules form islands in every ocean, plastics permeate lungs and digestive tracts, they extend to the peak of Everest (see photo below) and drop into the Marianna Trench. Sea life ingests those products manufactured using fossil fuels, transported with fossil fuels. Furious resource-extraction teams purchase ice-breaking ships to the Arctic for rare minerals needed in throwaway electronics.

An urgent suggestion: stop eating fish — and all other sentient things. Industrial nets extending 75 miles behind enormous tankers cull sea life efficiently enough to shorten the intervals between individual eco-extinctions.

Did you know that Greta Thunberg is vegan? She confronts eco-criminals with action plans that address the root of the problem. It’s not Climate Change, it’s not Climate Crisis, it’s nothing less than a Climate Emergency.

Go Vegan like there’s no tomorrow.

Take “Scale Mt Everest” off your plastic-bucket list.

Bad ideas:

  • Accumulating crap,
  • wasting lives by consuming them,
  • trashing lives for folly, fashion, fad, or geopolitical advantage,
  • frenzied shopping experiences,
  • joining traffic jams on the highways if avoidable,
  • frenetic frequent flying,
  • idling your ass in a drive-thru for the In and Out of it all,
  • ingesting the toxins that dwell in fast food,
  • tossing single-use plastic utensils and drinking straws,
  • salt, pepper, ketchup, mustard, secret sauce, soy, sugar… packets into an environment already fulsomely (my favorite word) thick with them.

Thanks for reading.

Veganism: Motives Matter

A repost from There’s an Elephant in the Room — “Veganism; do motives matter?”

This is an essential article — a clear and sustaining statement that maintains its focus. It quite simply dispels facile, self-serving, soothing delusions that keep the inconceivably evil nihilist machinery profitable and unstoppable. Motives matter enormously.

“Underpinned by the decision to stop the deep injustice of creating victims, no checklist is needed to determine which species deserve to be respected; it’s ALL of them. This is what veganism actually is and once an individual has acknowledged that this is their choice, it is unshakeable. It becomes completely unthinkable to even consider going back on that decision; it becomes an integral part, even the defining part of who we are as individuals.”
Image by Tras los Muros / Aitor Garmendia

Thanks for reading.