Thinking Outside the Asylum

I have been an iconoclast since first discovering that word; a nonviolent anarchist by nature; a veganist because it’s only genuine avenue to peace, enlightenment, and reality. Life outside the asylum.

How do viruses jump from a non-human to an human?

IMPERIALISTn. A political thinker to whom neither a kingdom nor a republic offers the hope of political preferment or other substantial advantage.

FORKn. An instrument used chiefly for the purpose of putting dead animals into the mouth. Formerly the knife was employed for this purpose, and by many worthy persons is still thought to have many advantages over the other tool, which, however, they do not altogether reject, but use to assist in charging the knife. The immunity of these persons from swift and awful death is one of the most striking proofs of God’s mercy to those that hate Him.

Ambrose Bierce, The Devil’s Dictionary

In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is a hallucinating idiot…for he sees what no one else does: things that, to everyone else, are not there.

Marshall McLuhan

In the land of the blind, enucleation is corrective surgery.

Bill Ziegler

I draw your attention to rogue journalist Caitlin Johnstone, a touchstone source for independent thinkers. She is tenacious enough to separate truth from the spewing firehoses of propaganda, misinformation, disinformation, and conventional wisdom: How To Be A Mentally Sovereign Human.

My mother believed that Hindus would not be a starving lot if they would just partake of the sacred cows lording it up in India. She was hardly the only person to arrive at such solution, many meaters will tell you that releasing animals from a slaughterhouse would precipitate incredible confusion for the animals and for all the commuters prevented from bringing home the bacon by enormous traffic jams, such as all those chickens crossing the highway. More realistically, a scan of animal parts at the checkout lane electronically initiates a replenishment order.

The Wild West myth is whitewashed to sanctify wanton lust for land and riches, justified as a divine right in Holy Lands myths. In some cases at least, the pig receives more than a Thanksgiving-Day pardon: a stake in the Middle East (itself a Eurocentric term) with a white visage geographically located in “The Holy Land.” A holy place that deliberately excludes one of the three Monotheistic faiths, Islam, as an eternal enemy

White-centric history books thoroughly propagandize the role of animal “agriculture,” the fencing in of the plains for “livestock”, the cowboy drives of cattle to market, the railroad cowboys who would stop to slaughter bison for the sheer sport of it. To tell the truth is to share the obvious, to follow the conventional wisdom is to justify the protracted torture and slaughter of highly sentient creatures for appetite and fashion. A single field trip to any factory farm is unthinkable, it really is incomprehensible what occurs there, yet a single trip to a supermarket should suffice to inform a customer that something very wrong happened, and not just in that single marketplace.

Here is an account of someone’s “insight” into the connection between the cuddly farm animals brought to your table, and how it all wonderfully comes together full circle to become a perfect moment for delivering a life-lesson at an idyllic family-friendly farm.

Samantha told us how a lot of the reasoning behind these visits is due to how much misinformation there is in the world, especially in social media, regarding what she referred to as “animal agriculture,” the literal farming of animals. We turned a corner to see some cows happily grazing at a trough as they waited to be milked, and learned about the economics of the situation. In particular, it currently costs more to milk a cow than it does to sell the milk itself, which makes the business a little difficult. We would later learn that the farm sold some cows in the past to help make ends meet due to this pricing crisis.

Jeff Raymond, “GRIST FOR THE MILLS: Down on the farm”

Thanks for reading.

Ein Roman aus Emojis

Being a novel “written” in internationally recognizable lingua franca: emojiese. A means to transcend language barriers?

Berliner Buchhändler Club

Heutzutage kennt sie fast jeder, die kleinen Bildzeichen oder Piktogramme oder Symbole oder Smileys, die längst nicht allein Gefühle ausdrücken. Dies ist der weltweit wohl verbreitetste Star dieser Zeichen:


Der in Deutschland nur wenigen bekannte chinesische Künstler Xu Bing, bisher jedenfalls existiert auf der deutschen Wikipedia noch kein Eintrag, hat fast zehn Jahre, von 2003 bis 2012, an einem Roman gearbeitet, der 2013 vom Massachusets Museum of Contenporary Arts in Kooperation mit dem Massachusets Institute of Technology publiziert wurde und nur aus Emojis besteht – so heißen diese kleinen Zeichen. Und dies ist das Inhaltsverzeichnis des Romans:


Das erste Kapitel des Romans beginnt so – und es ist ziemlich einfach, den Inhalt zu verstehen:


Und so geht es weiter (Ein Klick auf die Abbildung führt zu einer vergrößerten Ansicht):


Das ist das Cover des Buches:


Ausführlichere Informationen über Xu Bing und seinen Roman Book from the Ground sind hier

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