Is Limiting Carbon Emissions a Crime?

This might become criminal activity when six of the nine SCOTUS judges follow through with their opinion of 2.28.2022. Fossil-fuel extractors lose business whenever power plants switch to providers of sustainable energy. This is what happens if you vote conservatives into office. However, cretins such as Mitch McConnell use their political might to keep progressive candidates from even receiving a Senate hearing, such was the case when Barack Obama nominated Merrick Garland for consideration. McConnell kept Garland from a single word of consideration for the entire 11 months remaining before Obama left office. DJ Trump installed three hand-picked by the hard-nosed and highly conservative Federalist Society, each has proven their loyalty to highly conservative supporters who gifted them with a rubber stamp.

Checks and Balances

Climate change is not the stuff of opinion, it is happening precisely as determined by the scientific method, a process that looks for flaws in a hypothesis at every stage before accepting a hypothesis as a working theory. Compare this to a process that props up untenable arguments in a way that builds a house of cards. Expect a collapse and refuse to learn from past bad decisions.

Time is not on the side of those who get to witness the damage caused by global warming. Each fraction of 1.5 Celsius degrees brings the destruction already discovered in 1973 when it could have been addressed with ease. Now, three decades later, we have collectively squandered precious time. And we have done so with abandon. Closing your eyes and ears, shutting your mouth, does not turn opinions into facts.

Math and science are not strong points in the American educational system, they have become weak points that require us to fill those weak spots with students from elsewhere on the planet. How many Americans do you see in University math classes?

We are the proverbial frogs waiting for the slowly warming pot of water to suddenly cool. Unfortunately, the lid is on the pot and we cannot jump out. Our entire planet is becoming that pot of boiling water and we are very slowly recognizing that planet B is a fictional orb. Six of nine Supreme Court justices live in a fairy tale land where bad moves do not have consequences. Sadly, Earth’s entire ecosystem might suffer from those consequences.

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Listening to Wynn Bruce

The 6-3 decision by the Supreme Court conservative majority on February 28, 2022, questioned the legality of limiting carbon emissions to address climate catastrophe. Certainly, Wynn bruce chose self-immolation by fire on Earth Day 2022 at the steps of a conservative-led court to send a critically important message to anyone who would listen. I am listening to Wynn Bruce and am devoting this post to his life-affirming decision. This was a call to all, reminding us that we collectively choose to ignore impending doom’s certainty. This was not a suicide, this was a signal to each of us that inaction condemns this planet to certain extinction. This is not rhetorical excess, the fuse has already been lit.

By 1973, the fossil-fuel industry had already known that catastrophic climate change was a scientifically proven fact in the face of inaction; however, the scientists working from within the fossil-fuel juggernauts were silenced before this information could be made available. Positions of power among corporations leading the Fortune 10 would lose profits if truths were told. In 1973, a gradual change could have allowed all involved parties to move carefully and deliberately over several decades to prevent what is now imminent. The 11th hour has passed. History will not judge us kindly for our inaction, each of us needs to accept the responsibility for setting the Earth on fire. Bruce Wynn knew this, you should too. Self-immolators are prophets.

Capitalism has no mechanism for preventing global warming. Our billionaire class would never contribute the funds. The planet’s richest man has just spent 44 billion dollars in cash to own a social-media diversion, our short attention span prefers diversion. Do not expect him to spend a fraction of that cash to reduce carbon emissions. Even if he were inclined to lean in that direction, the highly conservative Supreme Court does not speak for the future generations who will be incinerated by proxy.

Civics is an obsolete word. In 1973, it could still find currency among an educated public and an enlightened electorate. Civic responsibility is as solidly demeaned as the despised word “woke.” Something to smirk about on what is now the social outlet owned by the planet’s most wealthy asshole. Twitter is a place to play your fiddle while waiting for mega deaths to become burning banalities. A 6-3 majority at the Supreme Court of the world’s most influential indecision makers assures that those of us who appreciate the caliber of Bruce Wynn’s character are doomed to silence. Civics is as dead as our future generations.

I do not mince words, nor do I wish to fiddle among Neros.

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The Carnivore in the Room

Veganism is a way of being that threatens the biosphere the least while threatening the destroyers of the biosphere the most.

The largest contributors to climate collapse are fossil-fuels, the consumption of sentient-animal body parts, consumption of sentient-animal byproducts, and their related purchases in the marketplace — including the fuel exhausted to get you there or the fuel exhausted to bring those purchases to you.

My suggestion to replace the familiar cacophony of beeps at the checkout lane with bleats, oinks, moos, clucks … no bites so far. Kroger headquarters are in a town just north of us, perhaps they could set up a trial to test my modest proposal.

Part of a serenity prayer : changing the things you can — do not consume the flesh, non-human breast milk, or the eggs of a sentient being and you cast one vote for preventing catastrophic climate change. It’s not just a concern expressed for creatures living near a coastline. See Humpty Dumpty for more on this principle.

I’ve been a climate watcher since the 1960s and have had the privilege of teaching climate vagaries back then. Nixon approved creating of the EPA in a political swap, he was never anything wiser than a consummate politician. Our current POTUS is a climate-change denier, doncha know.

When you encounter an article on climate change, search for the word “vegan.” It usually does not even get mentioned.

Thanks for Reading.

Black-Identity Extremists and Animal-Rights Activists

Those least able to defend themselves are the most exploited, while the most protected and most propertied count themselves among the most victimized. Western Civilization is a testament to white greed, to white power, and to white presumption.

Property is Theft.

The 5 Largest U.S. Landowners Own More Land Than All of Black America Combined

Mediterranean Avenue is the only property owned by people who are not White — and Whites can’t wait to gentrify it too.

The bureau labeled “black identity extremists” and animal rights activists as top terrorist threats.
The FBI defines black identity extremists as people who “use force or violence in violation of criminal law in response to perceived racism and injustice in American society.”

“Animal rights/environmental extremists” and “anti-authority extremists” were also deemed top existential threats.

The Root: Black News, Opinions, Politics and Culture.

I recommend visiting Kreb Talk for more on such incidents.

The FBI sorts “terrorists” by certain key criteria. Forty percent of the terrorists documented by the FBI are white, yet they are classified as lesser concern for investigation than blacks.

Trump is racist at the molecular level. His every word unequivocally screams it. How many manifestos does it take for that mere fact to sink in? Or am I toeing the line of political correctness by decrying full-throated hate speech?

Marijuana is still classified as a Schedule 1 Federal crime, employed since Nixon for speedily incarcerating Blacks, enforced to incarcerate political resistance on the war, climate catastrophes, unilateral US-declared regime changes in countries such as Venezuela that have large fossil-fuel reserves.

I suppose I’m just an anti-racist, animal rights activist/anarchist, climate-catastrophe adherent, anti-authority extremist. Unapologetically even.

Close all concentration camps — including the concentration camps (“meat”-processing facilities) that kill sentient beings by the trillion and threaten an extinction event in the process. An extinction event that would take no prisoners.

Thanks for reading.