The Except Clause and the Prison-Industrial System

This post speaks very specifically to the American Descendants of Slavery (ADOS), the unique contributions of ADOS, and the white-supremacist capitalist system that has exploited them 24/7 from 1619 to 2020 and counting. The most powerful racist in the world has announced the launch of the 1776 Commission, a vehicle to derail The 1619 Project, and to return American history students to the familiar whitewashed fabrications.


The 3/5ths Compromise of 1787 was a Southern strategy designed to bestow important slaver citizens with political advantage. Of course, slavers reckoned the intrinsic value at zero — that 3/5ths gave a slaver 60% more political power in an Electoral System that views one-person one-vote as a threat to the body politic.

The Civil War from 1861-1865 was a three-sided conflagration comprised of three groups: Northern Whites, Southern Whites, and human resources stolen from Africa. The principal losers were the individuals . Upon the “end of hostilities” the Northern Whites paid reparations to the slavers and declared a level playing field for all three participating groups. The losing ethnicity received nothing but black words on white paper: The 13th Amendment to The Constitution, the 13th replaced the 3/5ths Clause with the Except Clause:

except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted


The except clause effectively expunged the first five words of the 13th Amendment: Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude

That except clause is a “get someone into jail” card that never expires. It is a lynching instrument that permits an “officer of the law” to stop black kids and to ask them for identification, then to keep that ID — a souvenir if you will. The next time a fellow “officer of the law” asks for that kid’s ID, he is authorized to take him into custody. The identification card can literally end up in a cigar box. Jim Crow never dies. The bail-bond system is another means deployed to qualify ADOS to the prison system — another deliberately designed feature.

Those “without a racist bone in their bodies” would insist that ADOS (though they never use that term) actually benefit from some quasi quota advantages that end up marginalizing white people. As if racism had suddenly gone from a full-speed ahead into a full-speed reverse.

How much have ADOS received for the multiple trillion dollar trade deals that free labor injected into the economy? How many pennies have they received so far. Where are all the indigenous peoples today?

The Klan never dies, it just wears different hoods. What do you call a police officer who lynches ADOS? A hero?

ADOS women are the most marginalized citizens of a country defined and conquered by a patriarchy that permeates the power structure. The most powerful whites in the most powerful roles of society benefit from judicial decisions that trace their birthright to consistently conservative elites who benefit from Originalism — a narrow look at the “justice” system as it existed at the time of the founding slavers. It directs the most wealth to an ever smaller number of white ultra-rich, those few are all white. They enjoy privileges written into law since the founding white slaver fathers.

The interlocking control of all three branches of the federal government keeps the boards of directors white and male. How many ADOS billionaires can you name? How many homeless ADOS does it take to float the most selfish, protected, and greedy captains of the modern economy — the same billionaires who won’t yield a dime, the white men who commit 99% of the crime, the white men who cannot be touched, the white men admired for their inability to live any other way.

Thanks for reading.

Tolerating the Intolerant

It is my privilege to provide support for the most marginalized voices in the Western World. Most recently, I have offered my views on the state of American Descendants of Slavery (ADOS). Racism has been directed at them 24/7 for 401 years and counting. The “Framers” framed them at a 3/5th value in their Constitution, and Amendments to that legal document always included an “unless” clause.

Consider this a teaser for my next blog entry. However, the occasion for this entry is to note a policy change. Comments must now be moderated before they are published in order to prevent anyone from unilaterally declaring themselves an editor of this blog. Unfortunately, nine hours expired before I discovered that such a breach had occurred. A set of four lengthy diatribes, including two ad hominem attacks, spewed forth before I had logged on for the day.

My apologies to all and each for those nine hours.

Thanks for reading.

Systemic Racism in Western Civilization

The systemic racism of Western Civilization originated in Europe. The overwhelming firepower available to European-based empires quickly destroyed every indigenous culture in their path. Genocide provided safe homesteads where colonists from Europe could expand with ease. Plunder provided instant wealth for the respective imperialists and opened up “trade routes.” The proceeds permitted well-funded military forces to police the “newly discovered” land. The realms of influence established new borders, new names, and the “gift” of Western Civilization.

Human resources (Blacks) loaded into cargo ships arrived in North America along circular “trade routes” along the Atlantic Ocean. The human resources did not emigrate from Africa, they were summarily chopped off from their homelands to permit ambition and self-whiteousness to quickly transform the “new nations” to quickly leap from an agrarian to an industrial society. The indigenous populations lost everything to the Europeans, including vast populations who stood in their. The people stolen from Africa became the most despised and the most marginalized. Their progeny are American Descendants of Slavery (ADOS). Racism is a white-supremacist product of white-supremacist arrogance. Do not conflate Black immigrants from established homelands in Africa, those immigrants were never enslaved. That distinction matters 401 years (and counting) later. Today. It is headquartered in the Oval Office.

Reverse Racism is a conspiracy theory as specious as Q-anon.

Who claims that racism no longer exists in the US?

Who could simply insist that racism no longer exists? Is such arrogance conceivable? Yes, it is. Last week, I listened to an interview with racist R.R. Reno, author of Return of the Strong Gods: Nationalism, Populism, and the Future of the West Reno would have you believe that racism is a thing of the past, that Fascism disappeared in 1945, that nationalism is passé. R.R. is an über conservative Catholic convert from Episcopalianism who effected transition to a more diverse flock by moving from a church with a 3% Black congregation to a church with 4% Black representation. Mr. Reno is charmed by the strong man in the Oval Office and is a staunch opponent of nonexistent foes labeled Antifa (anti-fascist). Presumably, the antonym is profa.

Today, anti-racism, like anti-fascism, anti-homophobia, and other crusades against bigotry and exclusion, is first and foremost an instrument of attack and assassination that serves the interests of liberal power.

R.R. Reno, Anti-Bigotry and Liberal Power

Right-wing Catholic media offer no quarter to any left-wing voices. They believe that their institution is suffering under something called White (bloodless) Persecution that threatens to morph into Red (bloody) Persecution. Have they noticed that 5 of the 9 SCOTUS justices are Catholic? Do they know that Attorney General William Barr is Catholic? Methinks they doth protest too much. They spent 8 years decrying the worst POTUS ever: number 44. Yes, the evil guy who would condemn the Little Sisters of the Poor to the enablement of contraceptors.

Pope Francis is widely condemned as a tool of Marxist ideologues in Latin and South America. The anti-antifa proclaim that the US is exceptionally free of imperial ambition, that the benevolent goal is bringing “American Democracy” to every independent country south of the Rio Grande, that puppets are not installed and controlled by American corporations who work in tight collaboration with the government (isn’t that the definition of fascism?). No, we bring peace with hegemony to our friends in Central and South America who need a big brother. Fascism is long dead, doncha know? Never forget September 11, 1973.

Nixon and Kissinger had their way on September 11, 1973, as the democratically elected Allende was overthrown in a CIA-backed military coup. After Allende’s death, thousands of socialists, communists, and labor activists were murdered by General Augusto Pinochet’s regime, which soon became a testing ground for neoliberal shock therapy. Yet before it became a grim example of elites’ willingness to trash democracy, Allende’s experiment was itself a beacon for the international left.

The assassination of Salvador Allende

EWTN presents listeners with 24/7 conservative programming. Their issues run the entire gamut from solidly right-wing voices to fanatically right-wing voices. Each would assure us that the One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church does not take sides in political campaigns. Rather, they ask each listener to follow a very simple litmus test — is the candidate pro-life or do they collaborate with the culture of death. Trump survives the test, he is both anti-antifa and anti-antichoice. A good man who dares to tell the truth. EWTN recently canceled its only program hosted by a Black. Racism no longer exists, of course, that would explain it.

They decry the “abhorrent 1960s” and the Communism that was Liberation Theology. Should Pope Francis return to his fellow unholy leftists in Argentina? Deport him to Cuba or to his beloved Palestine? Pope Benedict could simply remove the Emeritus from his name and return to the open arms of a Mother Church that is Steve Bannon friendly.

I have presets in the car for SiriusXM 129 (The Catholic Channel) and for SiriusXM 126 (Urban View) — 3 clicks of the dial apart. The Catholic Channel takes a somewhat lighter approach than EWTN, but nota bene: expect continuous laugh-tracks on The Catholic Guy Show and Busted Halos, very seriously annoying laugh-tracks. Urban View offers respite from the anti-antifa voices with high-quality programming — welcome relief. Recommended.

Thanks for reading.