Gobsmacked and Disgusted

Aid to the Church in Need

Yesterday, I learned of an organization founded in 1947, a team of Catholics who evangelize for the one holy Catholic Roman and Apostolic church. The basis for their formation is the belief that Catholics are the most persecuted religion on the planet. These fancy that Christians, very specifically Catholics, have more martyrs than ever, that they are subjected to waves of persecutions. These Freedom and Liberty lovers who wish to bring the naysayers to their knees. Their self-described victimhood knows no bounds. Their willingness to sell their souls for personal gain at the expense of others is manifest. The flame of capitalism is their icon.

While millions of Muslims are exterminated, this is happening

It’s hard to imagine that the 21st Century is yet ruled by likes of these friends of Inquisition and proponents for a return to the glorious days of the Crusades. Islamophobic nut-cases not only yet creep among us, but they are hideously well-funded. They are agents for a new Catholic Century, they are giddily received by the broadcasters who invite them to airwaves that are already sought by the true believers of rightwing supremacism.

Did I mention that they are well funded? Before Trump departed a residence on Pennsylvania Avenue, for the celebratory events of January 6, 2021. A new fascist with better people skills is already going through the grooming, Fascism doesn’t simply disappear from the scene, and its lifeblood is capitalism.

This is Freedom?

I am not the only person who has been gobsmacked by such events. The local drive-time broadcaster welcomed a member of the men-of-the-cloth who yearn for a return to the pre enlightenment. Here is a link to the interview that introduced me to these gentle souls, Steve Bannon was a drive-time away from the Vatican when he was shuffled out. A new team is always there to ring in the old days of patriarchal presumption. Aid to the Church in Need have no time for the victims of the US Empire who drop missiles on unarmed Muslims, hospitals, who starve millions at the behest of a fossil-fuel family (the Kingdom of Saud is a single family who purchase US arms by the billions of dollars.

China maintains concentration camps for the Uighurs, millions are exterminated in Western China. Compare these numbers to the sanctified Church that pays no taxes, yet recieves multiple billions of Federal dollars from Covid relief. It is simply and quietly delivered to their coffers.

A Google search reveals a great many proponents of propaganda of the faith society who join in with the spin. Racism is a meticulously measured force of a white supremacism that finds a ready audience and a yearning for a strong man to enforce the spirit of law and order that never goes out of style. Money to assure political success. CBS is one media source that is paying attention to the funds transfer.

Have I mentioned that racism runs rampant in the Holy and Apostolic parishes.These are not friends of George Floyd or any of the police officers who preceded Derek Chauvin. Blacks are simply not among the congregants, the few who have are of the ilk of Uncle Toms of a Clarence Thomas massive sell outs. Speaking more about Supreme Court seats: six of the nine Supreme Court Justices are Catholic, these six are also well connected with the lords and ladies of politic society. Not a single Muslim exists on SCOTUS. This while the genuinely martyred are among the two billion who identify with sects of their faith.

A Google search reveals a great many proponents of propaganda of the faith society who join in with the spin. A search seems always to include those who oppose movements — such as myself, but this organization manages to defy the expected. The proponents outweigh the opponents 100 to 1. A link to CBS connects the dots that follow the money. So far it is the only site that brings a discussion of the massive transfer of dollars to make up for the Catholic team’s losses suffered among the payouts caused by the sexual-deviants, enough to satisfy the court decisions and to leave several billion dollars for the home team. Curiously, the founder of the organization has been convincingly identified as a sexual predator. The very fellow who founded it. You may not be surprised to hear that the very founder who had his hands in the cookie jars started it all in his native Germany.

So what does the future hold for these neo inquisitors who seek to checkmate those among us who know the way to twist and turn the Constitution to keep America white ever again? That is a trick point. America has always been white-determined and favored. The cards are held and played to game the system in every corner of the US Empire.

Still gobsmacked me though.

Thanks for reading.

Western Devolization

Racism finds comfort in White traditions, heritage, genealogy, and histories. Any complicity with this nation’s wanton acts of evil gets glossed over with thick coatings of whitewash. Is genocide, slavery, rape, and plunder on a planet-wide scale forgivable? Was it a sad but necessary concomitant of destiny, the price of progress, culture, and civilizations forged by the European colonizing spirit?

“You can’t make an omelet without breaking eggs” has convinced many an apologist of genocide , including Walter Duranty, Pulitzer Prize winner and fervid Stalin apologist who fell for the Soviet line.

American Descendants of Slavery (ADOS) trace their history to 1619, the year the first individuals arrived here. What if Western “Civilization” had been built upon the heroic and epic tales of Homer, The Iliad, Gilgamesh… rather than upon the myths told in The Bible, at the other side of Europe is the geographically situated Middle East. Europe is that chunk of landmass bordering the northern side of the Mediterranean.

Europe constructed a number of empires that plundered the planet for the sake of the various crowns who exercised their greedy needs in the name of a misunderstood deity — to give them a certain benefit of a very paltry doubt. Land and sea domination is easily obtained when your esteemed crown possesses enormously more powerful firepower than the land and people, the animals, and the resources that become an instant sources of wealth feverishly desired by those who benefit from a war machine. I would compare that instant wealth to the instant power obtained by hauling out the biomass of a previous extinction moment. Fossil fuels are a compressed and immediately available energy source that is immediately available.

Monetary success accrued while ignoring the gifts of civilization. So called savages and barbarians will continue to benefit enormously at the appearance of a civilized, God-fearing culture. To the victims always go the spoils.

European Devolization knows how to make saints of the white-supremacist conquerors and booty collectors. A cargo hold of “resources” returned by “explorers” from lesser-blessed cultures makes it easy to find any reason available to justify the wanton greed, torture, and death that occurs when your “civilization” casts its warriors as God-fearing gentlemen eager to bring the “good news” of genocide, land theft, and the gift of a devolizationary greed . All treaties made by all occupying powers with overwhelming military forces are subject to change at the earliest possible moment. No treaty signed by any of the tribes of North America has ever been honored. A treaty written by honorable men is worthless to the signee, a bill of goods.

The present occupation by writ of law in the United States of America, active since 1776 in conquest by brutal force imposed by the empire of the moment continues to this present moment. Venezuela is not currently a client state of the US, but its oil reserves beckon for yet another puppet regime as stated in a piece of paper signed by POTUS Monroe. Bolivia was “blessed” with regime change on the basis of certain rare-earth elements required for a new generation of handheld computers but they voted the puppet government out of office. Greed feeds need.

White supremacy is not a white elephant, it is complicity by complexion. The only thing you have to know about the world domination obtained by dint of a European facial characteristics. Jesus Christ was a Palestinian Jew, but Palestine has been occupied by Europeans since 1948, Palestinians represent half the population of a geography known for thousands of years. What is their crime? The same crime committed by ADOS (American Descendents of Slaves) — an insistence of their existence. What was required for “manifest destiny” to happen? The genocide of the Red Man. Anytime a treaty is signed by a white-supremacist power holder, a death knell rings. The AK-15 is merely one of the barenaked symbols that scream white supremacy. Fascism is solely white supremacist in any of its incarnations, including the long history of fascist dreamers in the 20th and 21st centuries.

Fate has dealt the country that leads the world in appalling arrogance and ignorance at is as two-sided at a Tarot-Deck death card — the Covid-19 virus. The decimation of support for the POTUS previously tweeting from the Oval-Office ruled despite his utter incompetence and foolhardy nature.

The folly of the CIA Mujahideen training sites

Running the world since 1776, trained by British colonial troops in situ. They learned the technique of settler colonialism and wealth extraction. The American Empire learned much from their previous colonial’s power brokers, however the US Empire does not find it east to leave a colonials misadventure. Most recently, they left a colonial dumpster fire after the Russians tried to pacify them and before the Russians the British learned the same awful lesson. Bin Laden was trained to destroy Russian positions from within by American’s training of the Mujahideen. The lessons learned by bin Laden would be used to attack the US Empire at its financial weak point, allowing the Project for a New American Empire to become completely entrenched and then defeated by the very Mujahideen who were installed in the first place.

Thanks for reading.

Control Freaks

Yesterday, Derek Chauvin made history in Minneapolis. He may as well have volunteered for a conviction or three for manslaughter, but he didn’t beat a single charge. Derek is the star of a motion picture filmed by a teenager on her phone, Chauvin was doing a job on someone he had known for many years. He followed the book to the nearest fraction and he had a lot of support from his fellow officers of law and order. This could have been his tenth knee to the neck operation and he would have walked at each encounter with a black whose life does not matter to the men in blue or to the citizens who vote for law-and-order judges. The only thing that varied was the only thing gets a notice from the viewing public — a snuff film where Derek was the star. He knew he was being captured on video, perhaps he would be recognized by his superiors as a man of valor, determination, and courage. His knee to a perps neck, the stuff that dreams are made of.

We live in a society where law and order has driven blacks into prison, into the grave, into a lack of respect that has followed from the wild-west sheriff of a militarized and disciplined system that follows the unwritten law of a white supremacism that protects itself from control by a constitution that is mere words on paper, including the poorly written Second Amendment. Get the job done and you get the respect of the gun-loyal second-amendment militia, where any white with an assault rifle commands a large amount of respect anywhere, including the public square. Apparently, this includes the Capitol buildings of the federal government. See January 6, 2021 for videos that document the matter quite well.

It is called lynching, but that word is never used to describe its true measure in a white-supremacist society. Derek Chauvin is a lyncher, but he is not credited with the power of that word. Lynching is a highly respected form of enforcement. Lynching has followed blacks throughout the history of de facto acts of control, wielded by control freaks. The practice traces back to 1619 and it continues to this day with increased frequency. The number of weapons that may be carried on the street is not limited, the Second Amendment is as powerful a document as ever. Despite the ambiguous language, it is the law that gets recognized on the public streets, within the homes of blacks, wherever a white citizen decides that a lynching fits the bill. Control freaks include any white with any number of weapons and with any amount of firepower. As uncontrolled as it has been since 1619. 421 years and counting.

Thanks for reading.

Abraham’s Family Values

The three Abrahamic monotheistic faiths — the ones who celebrate the same deity — form something of an isosceles triangle. Two of them feel themselves fated to a certain god-directed purpose, what they share are tales that comprise an Old Testament to Christians and a Torah to the Judaic adherents. The Christians and Judaic adherents are called “People of the Book” by Muslims.


Islam is typically viewed with much disdain by the other two groups. Islam places faith derived from an angel jealously guarded by the Christians: Gabriel. He visited a short while with Mary and was patient enough to give Islam their entire Qur’an, a text that has more shared virtues than differences, but that gets lost when marketing faith to new adherents. Marketers play a large role in selling one faith over others. Commonality doesn’t lead to sales pitch success. A good salesperson emphasizes the parts of the product that are desirable; “more of the same” does not make a sales pitch convincing. You do not want to point to the equipment not “new-and-improved”, preferred by your deity of tradition. Perhaps they are selling the way of the better god, perhaps a better way to spend eternity with friends and relatives who are spending eternity in the bad place. I have found that eternity is a slippery concept — three nanoseconds spent in the afterlife is the same length of time spent in the good place as the bad place, I guess it seems like a longer eternity if you have “chosen” the bad place. Catholic tradition does not assign any responsibility to their God in finding yourself doomed. The faith marketers insist that their God plays no part in the decision process. You get to end up there because you didn’t spend enough of your life praising the three personalities of a God who just can’t get praised too much. He (never ‘she’ by the way) never gets enough love from the folks who created him — they could have enjoyed all the fruits of “no knowledge” forever in Eden, but they kept finding themselves longing for the tree labelled KNOWLEDGE. Obedience is not exactly a choice, but following directions is everything, and that is what obedience is all about.

Tree of Life/Knowledge/Ygdrassil

Tree of Knowledge

Islam did not stop worshiping the same God as the other two sects that flowed from Abraham. Sunni and Shia grew into those sects when the Archangel Gabriel came down to convey the nature of Allah’s love for his faithful. (Jesus) and Mariam (Mary) are deeply adored in the Islamic faith. Gabriel related Allah’s intent to the chosen Mohamed, the occasion is described unambiguously in the Holy Qur’an. It represents a love letter delivered by the Archangel Gabriel to the progeny of Ishmael. The monotheistic God also reveals his love for Mariam and for her son. Far more is written about Mariam in the Holy Qur’an than the two books esteemed by the People of the Book, it all comes down to good salesmanship.

Feuds among human families often become as bitter as vitriol, the line of the triangle between the Jewish and Christians is short and is well travelled. In that triangle, the line between the Jewish adherents and the Islamic adherents is very long, the line between the Christian adherents and the Islamic adherents is similarly long. Misunderstanding and blind hate along those very long lines have only become more bitter and more filled with hate over the millennia. Slavery is accepted as the natural course in the first testament and this continues into the second (new) testament.

Jerusalem is the third-most important site for adoration to Islam and it has been that way for millennia. I have written quite a bit about events that reached a catastrophic level by 1948. I have also written about how the empires that developed in Europe have grown considerably after the “discovery” of the “New World.” This imperial ambition exploded into a messy set of “settlements” that were also connected to Forts from the Atlantic to the Pacific Coasts. Look at how many cities have the word “Fort” emblazoned upon their city “limit” signs. I happen to live in one of the “Fort” towns. These were developed to provide safety and comfort for the colonists that end up taking as much milk and honey as possible and to starve the indigenous peoples at the same time. Everywhere that the White-Supremacist ethnic cleansers appear, a fort is constructed. Zionism is another “patriotic” system that learned lessons of history. It developed in Europe and continues to occupy the settlements in Palestine.

Ethnic Cleansing

The European imperial state had already been arming itself and was terrorizing the British Empire. So the Zionist terrorists spoke the same language as the British Empire, this made gradual control of the imperial “forted” areas quite easy. By 1947 they were already ethnically cleansing unarmed Palestinians by the thousands. Their weapons became world class (including at least 100 nuclear weapons), as did the security operations that led to the creation of a nascent Mossad. They now ruthlessly control the entirety of what was named A Mandate for Palestine. Absolute control of every square inch and every Arab Palestinian refugee has already been effected. They are now at a mopping up stage. None of these operations are well understood within the American Empire because each major media source within the American Empire defends the mopping up operations as inevitable if not completely unjust, only the actual date is of question. Media has become a tool at the NY Times, The Wall Street Journal, NPR, and all the right-wing-hegemonic sort that keep the propaganda strong and deadly.

Thanks for reading.