21st Century European Squatters

I haven’t written much recently about the ambitions of the 21st Century European colonialists. However, suffice to say that their modus operandi is familiar for those who are students of European empires over the centuries. I have discussed their methods thoroughly on this blog, readers familiar with my research — and new readers — may find much background information at the following set of links. Please feel free to ask any questions you might have for me, as I vet my material rigorously and am prepared to back up any misgivings. Anyone who is not a troll is most welcome to comment.

Bill Ziegler’s articles on Palestine

The British Empire wouldn’t waste time when abandoning a former colony, they simply packed up, counted their losses, and proceeded to shore up the ones that had not yet tossed off the yoke. Intelligence agents built what was to become The Mossad before the occupiers declared statehood in 1948. Palestinians had already suffered under the Ottoman rule for centuries, the moribund League of Nations was a European legal instrument for settler/colonial ambitions tested by other imperial players over the centuries. Legal instruments such as the one signed by Lord Balfour were straw-man foils used to wrestle control of Palestine from the British in 1948. The Palestinians were nearly weaponless, were without a military, and were already experiencing massive ethnic cleansing by 1947. The Nakba was an inside job.

US Imperial Misperception of Jerusalem

When the British Empire left — without ceremony — in 1948, the transfer of governance to European Zionists was already effected and was operating effectively and ruthlessly, thus insuring white-supremacist future occupiers a piece of the spoils taken from indigenous Palestinians. Their impatience extended to the Mizrahi Jewish populations as well. White populations displaced the indigenous. White supremacist Zionists garnered a complete political, economic, and cultural hegemony. Zionism is a European belief system that grew rapidly during something called the Mandate for Palestine, a questionable legal instrument that left scorched-earth in its wake. There have never been any demilitarized zones — the Palestinians have now suffered 73 years of ruthless military control by occupying forces, first when the diaspora began in 1948, then further occupied by those forces in 1967. Settler colonialism continues to this day.

Occupiers do not need many international friends to keep the hegemony equipped and smoothly operating — the US and the Marshall Islands are sufficient in number to maintain control via veto power at the United Nations. Veto power has ensured that the white supremacists keep the region safe for white people who have the pale skin of their European ancestors.

The US Empire began the long trail that leads to extermination for the Indigenous tribes encountered between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. Land area by land area, geographical expanses carved with blood into 50 federal states. As history books like to say, “mistakes were made.” However, that does not mean that any recompense has ever been made or ever will be made to account for those “mistakes.” To the victor goes the lifeblood of the conquered.

Palestinians have, of course, not been compensated for their loss of a homeland to the entity that seems the divine right of the current occupiers. Imagine that a significant number of Native Americans were alive in a significant portion of each 50 states of the current US Homeland, that the Empire had somehow honored the treaties signed by the many tribes now decimated.

The Palestinians have no control over their basic survival needs. Even present-day advancements in COVID-19 vaccines are championed worldwide, while the Palestinians are denied a single vial of serum by the forces presently occupying Palestine. There are as many Palestinians in that original land as there are occupiers who have stolen it. The occupied eke out an existence on the fragments of land not already claimed as the rights and spoils for the victors.

Thanks for reading.

Palestine is African

Geologically, Palestine rests on the African tectonic plate, located precisely at the only land-route between Africa and Europe. Culturally, the Palestinian people have lived and thrived there for more than 2,000 years. Societally, they have stood at the crossroads of innumerable migrations, trade routes, the comings and goings of empires. The Palestinians are not leaving Palestine to take the (art of the phony) deal of the century.

African Tectonic Plate

“A land without people” for “a people without a land”? Propagandists deal in the art of false witness.

Palestinian Social Customs and Traditions

In 1947, the British Empire abandoned The Raj — their puppet regime in South Asia. They left vast populations to fend for themselves when imperial ambitions could no longer criminally plunder. Arbitrary partitions were drawn in London by the elites who spewed in the chambers of Parliament — the same chambers Brexiteers presently pollute. Kashmir is merely the most recent victim of European hegemony, of patriotic white supremacist presumption.

A single blowhard elitist, Lord Balfour, issued a document as ambiguously worded as the Second Amendment to the Constitution of the United States. The White Founding Fathers envisioned a Manifest Destiny for White European, English-speaking “settlers.” Were Whites endowed by their creator to Black human resources obtained from Africa?

Alexander Haig described Israel as a land-based aircraft carrier that promised a distinct advantage — it could not be sunk. It represented a militarily critical geopolitical footstep in the Middle East. Geopolitical advantage attracts tyrants. Does it not?

The empire of these United States still expresses an active interest in every squeezable square inch of terra firma. The US Treasury transfers ten million dollars a day to further militarize a country that has only been around as long as I’ve been around. Actually, I am eight-months older than Israel, a country still craving “a land without Palestinians for a people who hate Palestinians.”

One year after their Sun set in South Asia, the British Empire abandoned the Mandate for Palestine. In a sleight of hand, the terrorists who had bedeviled the British since 1929 began a pogrom to destroy Palestinian businesses, dispossess their families, empty their homes, destroy their towns, rename each town from Arabic to Hebrew, and to begin preparations for a wider geographic footprint — something dreadfully similar to the March of Tears, the Cherokee Nakba.

The sudden appearance of Israel caught a couple thousand years of Palestinian culture in an annihilating squeeze play. The geopolitical juggernaut of American empire played their land-based aircraft carrier card — actually, they are still playing the same card. What does not matter to the various shades of blue and white flag wavers — that the heirs of 2,000 years of Palestine must always yield to a State that did not even exist in 1947.

By comparison, Israel is a nuclear power. Had their Six-Day War faltered, they had a Plan B: set off a nuclear bomb in the Sinai Peninsula to serve as a warning.

Israel is also a white supremacist society that serves white persons and terrorizes non-white persons. Your life and livelihood is destroyed if you criticize Brand Israel.

White Israeli settlers routinely kill Palestinian children, there are quite a few proud boys among those settlers. Israeli soldiers fire expanding bullets at the legs of unarmed Palestinian youth. Israel’s message to Palestinian youth: Live long and suffer.

You would think that descendants of Holocaust victims would be the last persons on the planet who would adopt genocide as a solution. Wishing death to your enemy, to spray paint “Gas all Arabs” on Palestinian houses slated for demolition to house another 100,000 or so Israeli citizens.

Thanks for reading.

America Nakba Tour Memories


Refugee crisis continues, right to return still a universal human right

It was my privilege to meet personally with Umm Akram, Amena Ashkar and Samir Salem when the North America Nakba Tour visited Cincinnati Clifton Mosque (Masjid): a Cincinnati Palestine Solidarity Coalition event.


The British Empire closed shop on their Raj in India in 1947 and they left Palestine in 1948. At the same time another colonizer opened shop under new management and with a new name. They had owned the place 3,000 years ago and decided to own it again.

Speaking truth to power is not the same as speaking truth to the powerless.

I had a light bulb moment:

Amena momentarily flinched when a questioner referred to an entity I am calling SRL. Her reaction gave me pause and served as a reminder of the entity that controls the narrative: those who lived in Palestine 3,000 years ago and decided to own it again.

Never believe your own propaganda.

I’m calling the entity (one of the words Amena uses) SRL because I am presently learning one of the Semitic languages based on the root system. The larger of the Semitic languages has 300,000,000 speakers, but the principal language in SRL is spoken by 9,000,000. The word antisemitism should be redefined.

My ears and eyes are always open to the slightest mention of anything Palestinian in the news. American media is either corporately owned or corporately sponsored. Censoring the news is ungodly expensive. Without the billions of dollars infused into SRL the whole entity would collapse under its own weight.

Stolen land? What stolen land? Nina Paley’s animated take on land rights is worth your time IMO. Following Nina Paley is worth all the while. If you are having a problem choosing your next Paley animation: Nina Paley Blog.


So my question hangs in the air: “why is it always okay to freely and frequently speak the word Isr**l, wave their colors, celebrate eternal victimhood, speak loud, act brazen, flex Spartan muscles, trot out the toys of a soldier society…

Occupation of another people is not a universal human right.

Back to SRL. The SRLies use the word Palestinian as a curse word. They never even whisper the word PALESTINE.

Thanks for reading.

Africans without Europeans


What’s wrong with this map? What’s right? What’s just? Who decides? Who benefits?

Maps are important ways to perpetuate a Big Lie.  Here is Africa from a fresh perspective.

Alkebu-lan is Arabic for “Land of the Blacks.” The map above uses familiar color and shading schemes to name the distinct cultures and people. Human geography.

Zoom in and experience the fractal quality of intense diversity:

Sokoto Kuilafat surrounded by neighbors. Please read Big-think perspective




The unlabelled land mass at the bottom is the uninhabited realm of lands depopulated by an extinction level event such as Black Death: an alternate history suggested by Frank Jacobs elucidated here:

Africa, Uncolonized: A Detailed Look at an Alternate Continent

A few interesting land areas stand out: places Empire Expanders call Sinai, Levant, Sicily and Spain. Their unexpected presence gives pause.

Please look at this planet from the Other’s perspective, remembering that you too are the “Other.” Call me Ishmael.

The equator is the dashed line. To my eye that great lake in  Alkebu-lan looks like a chick’s eye. What a strikingly different way to look at this enormous continent. The solar system doesn’t have a top and bottom, so I can just imagine visitors from another star system mapping the southernmost continent as the top of the third planet out.

The Latin for the interior sea is Mediterranean: the sea at the middle of Earth. It’s natural but unfortunate to look at the world from where you name “us.” It could be New  York or the Middle Kingdom (China) or Middle Earth.

Anywhere, really.

America must not remain the center for geopolitical advantage studies.

The land of the fulsome and the home of the nice.

Imperialism is brutal exploitation of a land and its people: gain without pain for the well armed and the already comfortable.

Here are the paths the genomes took.

From IBM recombinational analysis on the human genome. Source.

Simply stated, a map projection is a compromise achieved by forcing a sphere in three dimensions onto a two-dimensional surface. Only a globe presents accuracy to scale on behalf of the earth orb, but you can only see one side of the globe at one time. And it doesn’t fit well in your pocket.

When you have looked at the same combination of continents 100,000 times or so, it gradually takes on the ring of “truth.”

Consider the azimuthal equidistant projection for establishing a center point anywhere. It’s the polar opposite (figuratively and literally) of the mercator projection. Mercator places the North Pole at infinity. Azimuthal places Santa’s Workshop at the center of the world.

Source: David Rumsey Map Collection

Expect maps to push agendas hard. In 1978 the Palestinian-American scholar Edward Said produced the book Orientalism,in 1978. It explains the way an occupation force imposes its perspective on the occupied: imposition of language and Eurocentric concept of unchangeable truth.

The wide stance of Cecil Rhodes as Colossus of Rhodes in this famous cartoon. Founder of the Rhodes Scholarship fund. Before Zimbabwe there was Rhodesia. Cecil left a legacy.

From Allen Webb, my source for Cecil Rhodes, a quote from gentle Cecil:

We must find new lands from which we can easily obtain raw materials and at the same time exploit the cheap slave labor that is available from the natives of the colonies. The colonies would also provide a dumping ground for the surplus goods produced in our factories.

The British imperial overlords used a straight-edge to define borders for the people they exploited before leaving former colonials to sort it all out. Once they left they didn’t look back. What’s past is passed. Let’s just say ‘we’re history.’

Consider the absurd British decision to create an East and a West Pakistan in the South Asia theater of interest and profit. It’s folly most insane. Lord Balfour had as much insight as the architects of East and West Pakistan when he crafted a  67-word statement in 1917.  Nakba is one result. Truth is one casualty.

Arbitrary borders possibly drawn by an idiot with a straight-edge

I mention alternate histories. Here is one such at DeviantArt.Net, a resource for speculative art.


Keep a window open for Yanko Tsvetkov, the cartographer for the indispensable Atlas of Prejudice.


Thanks for reading.