Polite Police Protect Systemic Racists At Every Opportunity

Derek Chauvin vs. George Floyd now takes the stage, and with it the same familiar team of white-supremacists standing at the fore. The actions are well-woven into the fabric of racism in the US, this time including a nine-year-old and a seventeen-year-old in a process that will deny their witness. These young and principled participants are already suffering the ravages of PTSD, they will have to live with these events for the rest of their lives.

The accused are always likely to become the exonerated as the judicial process discovers all the ways that a fabric of systemic racism allows in a white-supremacist system. Fiction morphs into undeniable fact when the hallowed myths arise to defend the indefensible, the blue lives that matter will win again against the black lives that must be yoked eternally under a systemic interpretation of exclusion and domination under the weight of darkly unprincipled law.

Derek Chaupin

This time the tale is told by the witnesses first hand, the drama merges the facts found on the ground. The facts report that George Floyd’s neck was pinned between the knee of Derek Chauvin and the asphalt below, all told in less than eight minutes of recorded history. This to serve the system and to protect the criminal police in an injustice system that always spins the wheel to favor law and order. We are asked to forgive the perpetrators and to judge the victimized at every encounter with brute force. Chauvin benefits from the procedures written in the statutes that keep policemen free of any accounting, to find the means to view the socially marginalized as worthless thugs who willfully choose to defy the law — a simple-minded view of law that persuades judges to side with the perpetrator and to toss the full extent of law at the innocent. The system has always been gamed in this way, it is how criminals get to walk from the crime scene and to receive admiration from those citizens who voted for “tough on crime” judges.

The right of the privileged to benefit from spoils is never permitted to change, tradition and heritage insist that the spoils be shared with the very people who game the system. Although the evidence has already been sequestered from questioning eyes, the American interpretation of justice demands that damning evidence never be exposed to the light of day. DNA evidence may determine that the falsely imprisoned must remain behind bars despite irrefutable evidence that they are totally innocent. Please know that whites who are falsely imprisoned are released to rejoin their families when such evidence appears. Damn near no blacks are ever released to return to their families, evidence be damned .

The laws that protect the guilty are the only laws consulted in the statutes that line the walls of the prosecutor’s office. This is not evidence of fate and the blindness of judgement, it is a means to fully remove citizens from public life due to the exigencies of race, to condemn every member of that race as potentially criminal threats to polite society. Polite society to be understood as white society, by force of history.

Thanks for reading.

Systemic Racism in Western Civilization

The systemic racism of Western Civilization originated in Europe. The overwhelming firepower available to European-based empires quickly destroyed every indigenous culture in their path. Genocide provided safe homesteads where colonists from Europe could expand with ease. Plunder provided instant wealth for the respective imperialists and opened up “trade routes.” The proceeds permitted well-funded military forces to police the “newly discovered” land. The realms of influence established new borders, new names, and the “gift” of Western Civilization.

Human resources (Blacks) loaded into cargo ships arrived in North America along circular “trade routes” along the Atlantic Ocean. The human resources did not emigrate from Africa, they were summarily chopped off from their homelands to permit ambition and self-whiteousness to quickly transform the “new nations” to quickly leap from an agrarian to an industrial society. The indigenous populations lost everything to the Europeans, including vast populations who stood in their. The people stolen from Africa became the most despised and the most marginalized. Their progeny are American Descendants of Slavery (ADOS). Racism is a white-supremacist product of white-supremacist arrogance. Do not conflate Black immigrants from established homelands in Africa, those immigrants were never enslaved. That distinction matters 401 years (and counting) later. Today. It is headquartered in the Oval Office.

Reverse Racism is a conspiracy theory as specious as Q-anon.

Who claims that racism no longer exists in the US?

Who could simply insist that racism no longer exists? Is such arrogance conceivable? Yes, it is. Last week, I listened to an interview with racist R.R. Reno, author of Return of the Strong Gods: Nationalism, Populism, and the Future of the West Reno would have you believe that racism is a thing of the past, that Fascism disappeared in 1945, that nationalism is passé. R.R. is an über conservative Catholic convert from Episcopalianism who effected transition to a more diverse flock by moving from a church with a 3% Black congregation to a church with 4% Black representation. Mr. Reno is charmed by the strong man in the Oval Office and is a staunch opponent of nonexistent foes labeled Antifa (anti-fascist). Presumably, the antonym is profa.

Today, anti-racism, like anti-fascism, anti-homophobia, and other crusades against bigotry and exclusion, is first and foremost an instrument of attack and assassination that serves the interests of liberal power.

R.R. Reno, Anti-Bigotry and Liberal Power

Right-wing Catholic media offer no quarter to any left-wing voices. They believe that their institution is suffering under something called White (bloodless) Persecution that threatens to morph into Red (bloody) Persecution. Have they noticed that 5 of the 9 SCOTUS justices are Catholic? Do they know that Attorney General William Barr is Catholic? Methinks they doth protest too much. They spent 8 years decrying the worst POTUS ever: number 44. Yes, the evil guy who would condemn the Little Sisters of the Poor to the enablement of contraceptors.

Pope Francis is widely condemned as a tool of Marxist ideologues in Latin and South America. The anti-antifa proclaim that the US is exceptionally free of imperial ambition, that the benevolent goal is bringing “American Democracy” to every independent country south of the Rio Grande, that puppets are not installed and controlled by American corporations who work in tight collaboration with the government (isn’t that the definition of fascism?). No, we bring peace with hegemony to our friends in Central and South America who need a big brother. Fascism is long dead, doncha know? Never forget September 11, 1973.

Nixon and Kissinger had their way on September 11, 1973, as the democratically elected Allende was overthrown in a CIA-backed military coup. After Allende’s death, thousands of socialists, communists, and labor activists were murdered by General Augusto Pinochet’s regime, which soon became a testing ground for neoliberal shock therapy. Yet before it became a grim example of elites’ willingness to trash democracy, Allende’s experiment was itself a beacon for the international left.

The assassination of Salvador Allende

EWTN presents listeners with 24/7 conservative programming. Their issues run the entire gamut from solidly right-wing voices to fanatically right-wing voices. Each would assure us that the One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church does not take sides in political campaigns. Rather, they ask each listener to follow a very simple litmus test — is the candidate pro-life or do they collaborate with the culture of death. Trump survives the test, he is both anti-antifa and anti-antichoice. A good man who dares to tell the truth. EWTN recently canceled its only program hosted by a Black. Racism no longer exists, of course, that would explain it.

They decry the “abhorrent 1960s” and the Communism that was Liberation Theology. Should Pope Francis return to his fellow unholy leftists in Argentina? Deport him to Cuba or to his beloved Palestine? Pope Benedict could simply remove the Emeritus from his name and return to the open arms of a Mother Church that is Steve Bannon friendly.

I have presets in the car for SiriusXM 129 (The Catholic Channel) and for SiriusXM 126 (Urban View) — 3 clicks of the dial apart. The Catholic Channel takes a somewhat lighter approach than EWTN, but nota bene: expect continuous laugh-tracks on The Catholic Guy Show and Busted Halos, very seriously annoying laugh-tracks. Urban View offers respite from the anti-antifa voices with high-quality programming — welcome relief. Recommended.

Thanks for reading.

Self-Whiteous Supremacism: A System

Yesterday, I listened to a conversation between a couple “historians” who shared great misgivings about The 1619 Project — they were not there to criticize the projects accuracy.

Racism is not healthy for children and other living things.


Racists thrive by disavowing accurate and unfavorable facts that go against their narrative . The validity of those disturbing historical facts is not the issue, their concern: it casts the Founding Fathers unfavorably. The myth is more important than reality. The Roman Catholic Church in the USA does not have many Black congregants, Black Lives Matter did not matter as soon as news of looting made its way through Mother Angelica’s EWTN rightwing broadcasters. I am not aware of any sizable Roman-Catholically leftwing broadcasters. Does it exist?

Unacknowledged racism is not inadvertent, it is systemic. These two “historians” saved their final salvo for last, the issue of reparations —a magical incantation that clears rooms quickly. Restitution turns upon a qui bono: to whom does it benefit? Following the money does not benefit the myth makers. What of the trillions of dollars of benefits forgone, of dreams deferred until Hell ices over? Does it matter that slavers did receive recompense from the US government? Of course neither of these esteemed “historians” ever owned slaves — QED enough for the audience, QED enough for the host and guest. White Lives Matter, Trump is a God-send.

Former slaves and the descendants of those slaves (ADOS) have been adding trillions of dollars to white coffers since 1619. How many trillions of dollars of value brought the USA from an agrarian to an industrial economy? Is it best to issue a check in the amount of $0 trillion? Blacks who have immigrated to the US did not arrive in chains, did not survive the trip from Africa only to be auctioned to the highest bidder — hence the need for ADOS perspectives. The 1619 Project is not subtitled “Mistakes Were Made.”

The only “immigration” papers available to ADOS were the names appearing on shipping manifests and bills of lading. Jamestown welcomed the first forced human resources.

When sold at auction ADOS became slaves in perpetuity, under penalty of law.

In the name of their omni-God and respective flags, the monarchs sent their “exploring heroes” and a well-regulated militia to grace history book soundbites memorized over generations. The coiled snake is a favorite: Don’t tread on me, the white man in the room.

American “educators” instill the same familiar names on the same timelines from school year to school year, from one generation to the next, from one century to the next. Racism has always run rather rampant in the USA. It’s a white-eat-black world.

Received history is sanitized history, thickly covered in whitewash. Is genocide, slavery, rape, and plunder a cultural good? Is it the unavoidable price of progress, culture, and civilizations forced to fit a celebrated European white supremacist system?

“You can’t make an omelet without breaking eggs.” Walter Duranty, Pulitzer Prize winner and fervid Stalin apologist.

Received histories are tales of white-supremacist conquerors and bounty collectors. Do you need a reason to justify wanton greed, torture, and death when your “civilization” casts its warriors as God-fearing gentlemen eager to bring the “good news” of genocide and land theft to those standing in their path?

Regime change pretty much describes the United States of America’s MO. Venezuela is manifestly destined to become a client state of the US, its enormous oil reserves require a puppet regime. Bolivia was recently blessed with a regime change. It seems that their soil contains the rare-earth element lithium required for a new generation of handheld computers. Capitalism is white-ordained privilege. Greed feeds the needless with the pennies of the needy.

White supremacy is complicity by complexion. The only thing you need to know about European world domination — European facial characteristics. White conventional wisdom — do things in the great white way: get away with as much as you can, with every ounce of guile and greed you can muster. Never accept responsibility. Remember that selfishness is a virtue. Keep a good stock of scapegoats in the barn.

The crime committed by ADOS — existing while Black.

Manifest Destiny: a manifesto condemning indigenous peoples to systemic genocide.

Senator wants to ‘save’ US history from New York Times

Thanks for reading.

Whitewashed History in the Land of the Freebie and the Home of the Slave

White descendants with white-European roots have been victimizing descendants of black Africa since 1619 — that’s 400 years and counting. The enslaved did not immigrate to the western hemisphere, nor did they emigrate from Africa. They were unceremoniously stolen, trafficked from diverse and disparate cultures, and trafficked into the slave trade. They were stuffed into cargo holds. If they survived their ocean transport they were sold as human resources — auctioned for their market value in a patriotically capitalist system to service the whims of a white-supremacist system. White supremacy is a system of nested partners in crime. The system merely asks its participants to refrain from questioning the unseemly exploitation that greases the machinery of “free” enterprise. Simply look the other way, assume that your complicity is self-delusion, judge it as one of those serenity prayer things that you cannot change.

White privilege goes viral by George Schwartz

American descendants of slaves (ADOS) learn the same fabricated history as Americans who are not descendants of slaves, the same rote-memorizable pack of lies that forgive all the white criminal Presidents from Washington to W, merely interrupted from 2009 to 2017. Conservative pundits still assign Mr. Obama the honor of “worst President in history.” Racist-apologists recoil at the very idea of a black man in a white house. Trump’s pissing-rights in a Moscow hotel room represent one such reaction.

What happens when your brand of organized religion includes practically no black congregants? I grew up in such an institution and I tune in to their sizable media outlets as a listener with an opposing-viewpoint. An institution that proclaims its message “universal” — while compartmentalizing every conceivable viewpoint as adhering to a “natural law” — loses credibility at every point of departure.

Here is a black memory from a Catholic in Louisiana:

Kids played a game called “black baby,” which involved throwing a ball or doll in the air and trying to catch it. I didn’t interact with African-American Catholics because there were two Catholic churches in town. St. Joseph was the white church. Our Mother of Mercy was the black church. To this day, the Diocese of Lafayette has more racially segregated churches than any other diocese in the United States. I am told that my grandfather went to confession toward the end of his life and said, “I can’t help it, Father. I hate N—s.” He knew racism was a sin. He knew he was racist. I think we all knew we were.


American descendants of European ancestry benefit richly and exceedingly from the system of white supremacy, a system that runs through US history like a red thread — I’m calling it a bloodied chain.

Classroom history texts must first be approved by a Texas committee that whitewashes each text used in all fifty States of its union. Ask anyone educated in an American school — from baby-boomer to millennial — you’ll find that we all learned the same sound bites.

Trump created the Birther Movement to soothe the stomachs of those who benefited most from the white-supremacist system so rudely interrupted from 2009 to 2017. Racism was strong enough to assure a racist triumph of the will on November 8, 2016.

A few bullet points:

  •  The choir does not need a new echo chamber.
  • The powerful are not lacking a societal voice.
  • The majority are not tyrannized by the minority.
  • Whiteous white supremacists are not victims of black supremacists, reverse-racists, or the Breitbart fantasy of civilization-destroying antifa who terrorize proud boys in an inconceivably anti-non-violent atmosphere that is poisoned by libtards and snowflakes. 
  • Society does not only stand on the shoulders of giants, but also on the racist greed of the insatiably privileged. 

Thanks for reading.