Polite Police Protect Systemic Racists At Every Opportunity

Derek Chauvin vs. George Floyd now takes the stage, and with it the same familiar team of white-supremacists standing at the fore. The actions are well-woven into the fabric of racism in the US, this time including a nine-year-old and a seventeen-year-old in a process that will deny their witness. These young and principled participants are already suffering the ravages of PTSD, they will have to live with these events for the rest of their lives.

The accused are always likely to become the exonerated as the judicial process discovers all the ways that a fabric of systemic racism allows in a white-supremacist system. Fiction morphs into undeniable fact when the hallowed myths arise to defend the indefensible, the blue lives that matter will win again against the black lives that must be yoked eternally under a systemic interpretation of exclusion and domination under the weight of darkly unprincipled law.

Derek Chaupin

This time the tale is told by the witnesses first hand, the drama merges the facts found on the ground. The facts report that George Floyd’s neck was pinned between the knee of Derek Chauvin and the asphalt below, all told in less than eight minutes of recorded history. This to serve the system and to protect the criminal police in an injustice system that always spins the wheel to favor law and order. We are asked to forgive the perpetrators and to judge the victimized at every encounter with brute force. Chauvin benefits from the procedures written in the statutes that keep policemen free of any accounting, to find the means to view the socially marginalized as worthless thugs who willfully choose to defy the law — a simple-minded view of law that persuades judges to side with the perpetrator and to toss the full extent of law at the innocent. The system has always been gamed in this way, it is how criminals get to walk from the crime scene and to receive admiration from those citizens who voted for “tough on crime” judges.

The right of the privileged to benefit from spoils is never permitted to change, tradition and heritage insist that the spoils be shared with the very people who game the system. Although the evidence has already been sequestered from questioning eyes, the American interpretation of justice demands that damning evidence never be exposed to the light of day. DNA evidence may determine that the falsely imprisoned must remain behind bars despite irrefutable evidence that they are totally innocent. Please know that whites who are falsely imprisoned are released to rejoin their families when such evidence appears. Damn near no blacks are ever released to return to their families, evidence be damned .

The laws that protect the guilty are the only laws consulted in the statutes that line the walls of the prosecutor’s office. This is not evidence of fate and the blindness of judgement, it is a means to fully remove citizens from public life due to the exigencies of race, to condemn every member of that race as potentially criminal threats to polite society. Polite society to be understood as white society, by force of history.

Thanks for reading.

Civic’s Vandals

The Vandals did not need any civic values to sack Rome to the bone. They needed simply to occupy the seat of government held by a ruler who had moved into the emperor’s residence. Upon the god emperor’s orders the unruly lot stormed the legislature to seek objects worth looting. Democracy in Rome had long succumbed to decadence when the place lost its honor and meaning. As empty in value and substance as the stuff offered by the barkers who follow the pulse of a populace amused by bread, circuses and blood.

Riding the wave

On the 6th day of January: 2021 of the Common Era, a sorry crew of patriots (to use their own nomenclature) arrived — dressed as expected and looking for some heads of state to roll. Such was their role. A fragile vessel as compromised as the floundering cargo craft presently gripped in the geography of ancient Egypt, the present-day subjects casting about while followed by a plague that may as well be orchestrated by locusts. The command of the empire is as mired in the muck and as deeply imbedded as the Evergreen, a gigantic vessel presently clotting the flow of modern industry, clogged at its aorta.

Odd that the clot is located just south of the Mediterranean Sea, the central water loosely held by the hapless descendants of the Roman Empire that surrounded those waters two millennia ago. Rule of law succumbs to law and order in the instant that a heart loses its pulse. Hollow traditions are not the stuff of solid governance and discipline. They are the vacant stares of the disaffected and the politician’s crave for power and glory.

Thanks for reading.

Upon Noting the US Imperial War on Iraq

Today marks the 18th anniversary of the disastrous US imperial invasion of Iraq. Near universal condemnation did not stop the Organization for the Project for a New American Century from deliberately lying about the reasons for setting off the circus to bring in support from “patriots” who were fed misinformation that tied an imperial greed for oil to the spurious connection of their former puppet Sadaam Hussein with the Saudis who turned aircraft into guided missiles on 11 September 2001. The plan to seize Iraqi oil had already been written into stone long before the circus fireworks began. Watching bunker-busting bombs 24/7 kept patriots glued to TV screens.

Riding the waves of vandals

The house of cards constructed on the geography of what is termed the Middle East destroyed the fragile balance held by the various Arab states completely devastated in The Great War. The US Empire had already invaded Afghanistan a year earlier, but the actual aim was the establishment of imperial footprints in oil-rich states. The Guardian published an opinion piece by the Climate researcher Bill McKibben, he ties the greed for never-ending flow of oil to keep the military hegemony equipped with fuel. Ironically, fossil fuels were given a new lease on life that kept fossil fuels burning indefinitely. Climate catastrophe became nearly inevitable.

The first victim of war is truth, the true-believer soldiers who believed the lies are fated to suffer the PTSD that those bitter lies brings, the knowledge that your never-ending string of tours destroys your soul. Tortured truth occurs when your sacrifices get chained to the devastation that a pointless war brings in the guise of “necessary” torture via extraordinary rendition and the indefinite incarceration of persons who played no role. They were secreted into legal limbos such as Guantanamo. PTSD leads to never-ending suffering by those who were fed the lies and lose a functioning conscious as a result, including those who choose death at their own hand as the only exit from eternal torment.

Guantanamo is the quasi-legal internment camp built by scoundrels, truth becomes a clay formed to look real, a brittle clay that shatters into fragments. There is no integrity in a ludicrous military state that believes itself blessed by a deity that strikes the “enemy” to forge a geopolitical house of cards. The US Empire whitewashes an institution called “democracy,” but it is actually an imposition of advantage by thugs set loose by their criminal agencies.

Israel is a so-called democracy created by US interests in 1948 to establish a land-based aircraft carrier that would fill the vacuum created when the downfall of the Ottomans fell to Western forces. Israel is a heavily militarized agent that serves as laboratory for intelligence bureaus that keep the folly churning into the future. It did not even exist in 1947, but its ability to stay in the game keeps every visage of a worthy democracy at bay. Israel is an autocracy that plays its Zionist European settler-colonialism to do what European empires always do — take on the role of a people blessed by their creator to liberate the conquered and to establish a spurious democracy under a presumed and jealous natural law and order. A system created and maintained to serve white-supremacist principles, to rule under the presumption of a white European colonial spirit.

Thanks for reading.

Judeo-Christian Supremacy

Here I focus on the roots of the US Empire, the genocide of indigenous cultures, the settler-colonial imposition of White-Judeo-Christian beliefs on the conquered, and the white-supremacist presumptions that permit slavery and the brutal caste system that keeps the poor living in poverty as inevitable.

The reestablishment of the United Confederacy of America — The UCA

The US Empire began ethnic cleansing at the same time that it began populating the stolen lands of North America with European “immigrants seeking unlimited opportunity and liberty.” Again, I focus on the methods learned from the British Empire’s skill at subjugating people planetwide. The Mandate for Palestine was not relinquished until 1948, when the Zionist white supremacists of Europe brought that geography under its wings. At the present time, US Imperial power continues to provide military armaments and intelligence strength to keep them among the most wealthy and powerful world strengths. Mossad is one of the most intelligent agencies in the business, it has been funded by the US since 1948.

Islam is a world faith that traces its monotheistic religion to Abraham, however the white-supremacism that underlies the Judeo-Christian sides of the triad is a mortal foe of the third side. The rightwing hegemony of Judaism bound with Christianity makes it a powerful geopolitical juggernaut in North Africa and Asia. Recently, formal negotiations between Zionists and several Arab governments keep the Palestinians subjugates of Israel in every geopolitical question.

The white-supremacist groups who sought to bring the Capitol to a Trump regime that believes in conspiracy theories that insist that the presidency was stolen in 2020. They comprise a dangerous rightwing set of true believers that wish to keep Trump president indefinitely.

Any political forces that are even slightly left of center are mortal enemies of traditional America-First ideals. The recognized leader of these forces presently resides at Mar-a-Lago, Florida. An electoral system that has kept loyalist allies in their desire seeks to reconstitute the Confederate States of America. A Trump-approved dynasty intends to maintain and to redefine the electoral system to become subservient to the ruling dynasty. I am going to refer to them as the die-nasties, their victory over democratic principles is without compromise, the means they intend to attain their aims are irreconcilable.

Thanks for reading.