Meat Eaters

Although a vegan for many years now, I cannot name a single person whom I have persuaded to adopt a vegan lifestyle. Why is veganism so thoroughly resisted?

Roman Catholics still consider fish to be a healthy choice for a no-meat pro-life diet. How can a faith with such an ostensibly large membership not see the eyes on a no-meat, Lenten-friendly fish-fry fish with their own eyes? These are persons who consider themselves to be enlightened agents operating for good on a shared planet. Has anyone ever asked a self-identified enlightened person why they continue to eat meat? Is personal enlightenment such an exclusionary process?

Animal sacrifices to a deity of choice is an act of faith, a personal sacrifice, and a thank-you gesture for every participant but the sentient being who gets to enter a dead state of existence due to diet choices. Animals were already identified as “live stock” in the Book of Genesis. Presumably, they were popped into stocks at their instant of creation.

There is no other being “created” by a god who wants to be loved so much that he will waste the flesh of tasty individuals by the million in the name of love. We are absolutely the only ones who have such a self-generated sense of entitlement. Yet a vegan choice is an unthinkable, dreadful, disgusting, and demeaning option.

Sport is often a metaphor for sacrifice. Even after leaving football with multiple deadly injuries to their brain, players get identified as heroes. No attendee in a stadium or arena is brought to a permanent state of hell, PTSD, and suicide. They just cannot stay away from a sport that offers them unlimited opportunity to murder opponents at the command of a coach. Getting a player back on the playing field is the prime directive.

The last extinction event came at an instant when hit by a six-mile-thick rock from outer space wiped out nearly all life on Earth. The current extinction event is already predicted to occur during the lifetimes of Earth dwellers. A pandemic is not enough to convince self-denying people that a change of lifestyle is not an option. We can’t seem to resist airports enough. No sacrifice is enough of a sacrifice for a member of homo sapiens.

Earth’s population has quadrupled since I was born, but the yearning of some of its holiest members — particularly the Catholic Christians — is enough to state that a 400% increase on their only planet is not enough. How many of the sacred unborn would have created more offspring of highly entitled humans by now. Yet, it would seem to be the only vital alternative for these most wealthy and resource-hungry Earthlings.

The Catholic Church is essentially a one-issue religion, and they voted for a political party that did not have a single issue on their platform in 2020. They are awful people and they need to be identified as such. They voted for Trump, his wishes as emperor god were enough to satisfy the qualifications that make a president Great. Great!

Thanks for reading.

Author: Bill Ziegler

I am a former resident of Delhi Township. These are memories of my life and times in that community during the 1950s and 1960s. A time capsule.

2 thoughts on “Meat Eaters”

  1. Not only is the earth heavy with the weight of 8 billion people, it is heavy with the weight of 70 billion farmed animals raised to feed the indulgent greed of a portion that 8 billion – some certainly being more greedy and indulgent than others.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. You are absolutely correct, Katrina. Thanks for these cogent points. Worse, the most wealthy demand dead animals from pristine farms, this only makes the ecosphere hotter faster. Even plant alternatives can result in deleterious results. Almond “Milk” wastes extraordinarily huge amounts of water. Willy Nilly is not a good alternative action. Scofflaws are not going to decide to honor equal protection for all, they will stock up wastefully. Stocking up on military-grade arsenals is not a forward-looking plan.

      Liked by 2 people

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