Sometimes that Happen

Sometimes you feel like a song, sometimes you don’t.


Yahoo Answers received a question five years ago. A query that gnaws at the craw:

I'm looking for a song with the word 'sometimes' as the
first word of the chorus?
Like I said, the chorus starts with the word ‘sometimes’ or ‘sometime’ I think. I know it’s sung by a group (men). I know how the melody goes, but that’s kind of hard to type. I will check every suggestion for possibility.
Update: So far not the song I am looking for. I think the song is from the late 90’s, or early 00’s. And a group of men, definitely sung by more men together.

Let’s try to help that searcher find the group (men)!
Salient points — ‘sometimes .or. sometime‘, group (men), late 90‘s .or. early 00‘s. Surf’s up! Happy searching!
I found a useful website that might provide clues:
What if the search term is not the first word of a song? Well, there is help — Song Facts. I just visited Song Facts and discovered the six (6) song titles “Sometimes.”
I write this post in the waning hours of Valentine 2017. Perhaps you’ll find a sometime song that you can warm over for Valentine 2018.
Excess didn’t end on Super Bowl Sunday. Check the clearance aisle for half-priced red-foil spoil.


Consider the word “word”. Is  bird a word? Here is an ear worm from 1963 for your viewing and listening measure.
Borrowing again from John Ciardi — Good words to you!
Thanks for reading.

Author: Bill Ziegler

I am a former resident of Delhi Township. These are memories of my life and times in that community during the 1950s and 1960s. A time capsule.

2 thoughts on “Sometimes that Happen”

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